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Showing posts with label Fillings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fillings. Show all posts

Amalgam (Silver) Fillings and Composite (White) Fillings

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The tooth to the left has a composite filling and the tooth to the right has an amalgam filling. What is the best restoration for you?

Amalgam restorations are time tested, durable and safe restorations. The American Dental Association, the WHO, and the FDA all have recently released statements and supporting clinical research on the safety of dental amalgam for all non-allergic patients and healthcare workers.

Composites are a newer class of restorations that offer patients esthetics and bonding. This often allows for more conservative tooth reduction during filling placement than for amalgam.

Amalgam fillings are better suited for:

  • Teeth that take a heavier chewing burden - i.e. premolars and molars;
  • Teeth that have the need for a large restoration;
  • Areas in the mouth where moisture control, during the filling process, is hard to achieve. Amalgam is a more forgiving material is areas where the cavity is below the gumline, or near salivary glands; and
  • Areas in the mouth where esthetics are not critical.

Composite fillings are better suited for:

  • Teeth that do not carry a heavy chewing burden - i.e. anterior teeth and first bicuspid teeth;
  • Teeth that will have small to medium restorations;
  • Areas in the mouth where it is easy to have good moisture control during the filling process; and
  • Areas in the mouth where esthetics are critical.


Dr. Obucina's Office Specials

Friday, December 25, 2009

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